Bylaw List

All Bylaws are signed and sealed in the town office. If you would like to see the bylaw or have a copy, please contact us and we can make that availble for you. If you would like to see older bylaws please come to the town office.

960.25 Campground bylaw
959.25 Garbage Collection Rates
958.25 Regional Fire Services Bylaw  amending 679/95
957.25 Utility Rates
956.25 Operating Loan
955.24 Mill Rate
954.24 Amend bylaw 941/22- North Lift Station Local Improvement Tax
952.24 Operating Loan Bylaw
951.24 Utility Rates Bylaw
950.24 Operating loan 2024
949.23 Community Standards
948.23  Mill Rate 2023
947.23 Fees Bylaw
946.23 Animal Control Bylaw 
945.22 Utility Rates
944.22 Operating Loan 2023
943.22 Fees Bylaw
942.22 Mill Rate
941.22 North Lift Station Local Improvement Tax
940.22 Fees Bylaw
939.22 Urban Beekeeping  (Forms found under How do I? tab)
938.22 Meeting procedures
937.22 Designated Officer Bylaw
936.22 Utility Rates
935.21 Operating Loan 2022
934.21 Bylaw Enforcement Officer Bylaw
933.21 Parks Society Loan Bylaw
932.21 Assessment Review Board Bylaw
931.21 Whitetail Crescent road surfacing improvement
930.21 Whitetail green surfacing local improvement bylaw
929.21 Whitetail Point Road surfacing local Improvement
928.21 Mill Rate bylaw
927.21 Fees Bylaw
926.21 Lamont Regional Emergency
925.21 Utility Rates/Penalties
924.21 Garbage Collection Rates
923.21 Tax penalty discount & Installment Payment
922.20 Operating Loan by-law 2021
921.20 Land Use Bylaw Amendment
920.20 Traffic Bylaw
919.20 Land Use Bylaw Amendment
918.20 Lift Construction Loan
917.20 Lift Station Local Improvement Borrowing
916.20 Garbage Rates--Not Passed
915.20 Whitetail Point road surfacing Financing
914.20 Whitetail Green road surfacing financing
913.20 Whitetail crescent resurfacing finance
912.20 Operating Loan
911.20 Tax Penalty, discount & installment
910.20 Mill Rate
909.20 LUB
908.20 Electric Franchise Agreement
907.20 Undeveloped lot
906.20 Land Use Bylaw- Not Passed
905.20 MDP amending 824.10
904.20 IDP
903.20 Tax Penalty, Discount & Instalment
902.20 Community Standards amended 847/13
901.20 Utility Rates
900.20 Garbage Rates bylaw
899.19 Operating Loan 2020
898.19 Municipal Emergency Management Bylaw
897.19 Intermunicipal Subdivision & Development Appeal board
896.19 2019 Mill Rate
895.19 Garbage Collection Rates
894.19 Utility Rates
893.18 Operating Loan 2019
892.18 LUB amend(Not Passed)
891.18 2018 Mill Rate
890.18 Amend LUB-Cannabis
889.18 Code of Conduct
888.18 Amend LUB residential development
887.18 Utility Rates / Penalties
886.18 Garbage Collection Rate Change Bylaw
885.17 Operating Loan 2018
884.17 defeated amended land use 825.10 lot size
883.17 defeated amended land use 825.10
882.17 Mill Rate
881.17 LUB (fences)
880..17 Amend MDP 824.10
879.17 Garbage Collection Rate Change Bylaw
878.17 Utilities Rates Change
877.16 Operating Loan 2017
876.16 Animal Control Fees-replaced by bylaw 946.23
875.16 Animal Control By-Law amend 813.10 replaced by 946.23
874.16 2016 Mill Rate
873.16 Fees
872.16 Loader Borrow 2016
871.16 Utility Rates / Penalties
870.16 Operating Loan 2016
869.15 Garbage Collection rates
868.15 Garbage Collection Bylaw
867.15 ATCO Gas Franchise Agreement
866.15 amend 848/13
865.15 2015 Mill Rate
864.15 Utility Rates / Penalties
863.15 Utility Bylaw
862.15 LUB Re-district
861.15 Garbage Collection Rate Bylaw
860.15 Garbage Collection Bylaw
859.15 Operating Loan 2015
858.14 Garbage Collection Rate Change Bylaw857.14 Utility Rate Change
857.14 Utility Rate Change
856.14 2014 Mill Rate
855.14 Operating Loan 2014
854.13 Renumbering of bylaws
853.13 Subdivision Appeal Board
852.13 Subdivision Authority
851.13 mpc
850.13 Amended LUB
850.13-A Amended MPC
849. 13 Amend LUB
848.13 Road Closure
847.13 Community Standards Bylaw
846.13 Road Closure
845.13 Mill Rate
844.13 Garbage Collection Rate Change Bylaw
843.13 Utility Rate Change
842.12 Animal Control Bylaw amend 813/10
841.12 SDAB repealed by 853
840.12 Operating Loan 2013
839.12 Subdivision Development Appeal Board
838.12 amend LUB
837.12 amend MDP
836.12 Community Standards repealed by 847
835.12 Fireworks
834.12 Amended Land Use Bylaw 825/10
833.12 Amended LUB 825/10
832.12 Mill Rate
831.12 Fees bylaw
830.12 Operating Loan 2012
829.11 2011 Mill Rate
828.11 Utility updating 787.06
826.10 Whitetail Crossing Lift station
825.10 Land Use Bylaw amended bylaw
824.10 Municipal Development Plan Bylaw
822.10 Garbage Collection Rate Change Bylaw
820.10 Subdivision Authority
819.10 Planning Commission Bylaw -REPEALED BY 851.a
818.10 Development Authority Bylaw  -REPEALED BY 850
817.10 LUB -Not Passed
816.10 Municipal Development Plan - Not Passed
815.10 2010 Mill Rate
814.10 Assessment Review Board Bylaw
813.10 Animal Control Bylaw
812.10 50th Street Sewer Revision Bylaw
811.10 Garbage Collection Rate Change Bylaw
810.10 Utility Rate Change
809.09 50th Street Revitalization Interim Financing
808.10 Election Deposit
807.10 Operating Loan 2010
806.09 50 Street revitalization Interim Financing
805.09 Garbage Collection Rate Change Bylaw
804.09 Road Closure
803.09 2009 Mill Rate
802.09 50th Street Sewer Upgrade Bylaw
801.09 50th Street Sewer Bylaw
800.09 Revitalization Bylaw
799.09 50th Street Rehabilitation Borrowing Bylaw
798.09 Traffic Bylaw
797.08 Mundare Housing Dev Corp Loan Guarantee
796.08 Operating Loan 2009
795.08 Business License Bylaw
794.08 Mill Rate
793.08 Business Licence Bylaw
792.08 Fees Bylaw Changes-repealed by 873/16
791.08 Water Drainage Penalties
790.08 Fees Bylaw-repealed by 873/16
789.08 Utility Rate Change
788.08 Water Drainage Control
787.07 2008 Housing Guarantee
786.07 2008 Operating Loan
785.07 Engine Retarder Brakes
784.07 LUB Changes
783.07 Off-Highway Vehicle
782.07 Mill Rate
781.07 Amended LUB 694.98
780.07 Amend 737.04 Garbage Bin Rates


Older bylaws are available at the town office